Seminar #8 - Extra Credit Reading

Important Information you need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Typically, the seller may pay commissions earned when they sell their home. The law dictates that before seeing any homes, you will have a signed agreement with your Realtor that discusses how much he/she is paid and by whom. 

  • Yes, per your written agreement with your Realtor, they can expose you to every home available for sale!

  • Contact your Realtor first. They can assist you in seeing the home, gathering information to make an offer, and take you all the way to closing with your best interests in mind! 

  • You can go to open houses without your agent, but you must indicate immediately that you are already working with a Realtor. 

  • Talk to your Realtor to see if you can work out your differences first. 

    •  Work with just one Realtor

    • Make sure you tell your Realtor everything

    • Always tell other agents you are already working with a Realtor

    • Consider your Realtor a knowledgeable friend & Trusted advisor!

  • This fabulous session is designed for the "First Time Buyer" or those looking to "Upgrade" or "Downsize" This valuable session is a “ MUST” not to be missed. Please contact us for specific details on the next session, also you may ask about our individual  zoom session.

    Call 609-895-0500  or

    email the dean at